Star emoticon  We lost another Old Timer  Star emoticon

Mrs. Winifred "Peggy" Davis passed away November 9, 2003 at the age of 98 years old. Peggy had multiple German Shorthaired Pointer Dual Champions and several Field Champions. She owned DC Timberlane's Ace (the first American & Canadian Male Dual Champion) . Ace was on the cover of the first edition of Bede Maxwell's book The New German Shorthaired. Peggy handle all her dogs both in the ring and the field (50's & 60's). Bob Holcomb was her mentor and trainer till he was taken ill. Her last dog was AFC/FC Timberlane's Grits Gus. She was campaigning Gus in her mid 80's. Bob Deitering was her professional handler in her elder years. Peggy, along with people like Dr. Marvin Brown, was instrumental in getting Scatter Creek land donated for the use of field trials.

Mrs. Davis pictured with FC/AFC Timberlanes Grit's Gus